Fairfield University, USA published article authored by ADA University students

Fairfield University, USA published article authored by ADA University students

The Fairfield University, USA published the article authored by ADA University students (Aydan Baghirli, Zahira Yusifova, Fatima Fataliyeva, Elvin Valiyev, Murad Malik-Aslanov) under the supervision of Writing and Information Literacy Instructor Dr. Tamilla Mammadova.
This article, titled “Multiculturalism as a way to religious tolerance” analyzed religious persecution worldwide which is badly affecting communities. The authors outlined Azerbaijan as a role model country to tackle with religious intolerance by promoting mutual understanding and creating inter-religious dialogue.

The authors mentioned:

"The practice demonstrates that countries with religious tolerance and multicultural approach are capable of going ahead of many other countries, even developed ones, where the governments and people give way to hate, aggression, oppression, disrespect, and intolerance toward religious minorities."

Read more:

Paper: https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/jogc/vol3/iss2/5/  

Journal: https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/jogc/ 
