Orientation day is always an excellent way to mingle out with new students before they start their academic adventure. To ensure students' transitions to ADA as pleasurable as possible, we hosted, on-campus orientation days with the presence of newly admitted graduate students. We admitted 224 graduate students in total for the 2021-2022 academic year. Of these, 211 are locals and 13 are international students who settled in 8 master's programs.
New students were assigned to an Orientation Team led by ADA volunteers and Watchmen, who toured the campus, became familiar with the state-of-the-art facility, and clearly got an understanding of what it means to be an Adanian.
Rector of ADA University, Ambassador Hafiz Pashayev, Vice-Rectors, deans, and staff members of Admissions and Student Records welcomed the newcomers and instructed them on student life at ADA. One of the main goals of Orientation day was to give detailed information to new students about the University—its rules, regulations, etc.
"Here, at ADA University, we provide high-quality education and a platform for students to strenghten their network. We cultivate individuals with a true value of citizenship," says Rector Pashayev.
Federica Buono, newly admitted exchange student from Italy, says:
"As a student of International Relations at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, I decided to join the ADA community due to its extended academic relations. The multicultural environment that mainly characterizes ADA offers the opportunity to meet new people coming from different corners of the world full of new ideas and thoughts. ADA allows you to immerse yourself in a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere just like Baku, like a city that hosts it."