
ADA University held Alumni Forum themed “COP29 and Green Policies”

ADA University held Alumni Forum themed “COP29 and Green Policies”

The ADA University Alumni Forum embodies the lifelong relationship between alma mater and alumni. Our latest Alumni Forum was dedicated to “COP29 and Green Policies”. 

The forum, organized in collaboration with the ADA University Foundation, KOLIN, ASAP, and the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation, included panel discussions with esteemed experts and networking activities. 

Our alumni addressed critical questions about combating global warming, climate change impacts, and mobilizing financial resources for climate action.

The event was followed by an outdoor reception and cocktail, providing a wonderful opportunity for networking. Attendees enjoyed the ambiance, snacks, and engaging conversations.

The event concluded with the engaging activity "Tell Me Something I Do Not Know", where alumni shared surprising insights and stories.

Category: Alumni