On May 4-5, ADA University hosted the fourth “Ada Legacy” conference to inspire women for taking an active role in Information Technology (IT) sphere, encourage female peers for pursuing an education in science, and create an inclusive culture in tech.
The joint conference which was co-organized by the Azerbaijan Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and ADA University ACM Student Chapter with the support of ACM-W Europe aimed at to invite IT women to participate in international “womENcourage 2019” IT conference to be held this fall, in Rome (Italy). “Since the first event held in 2016, each year at least five Azerbaijani students participated in this international conference," said Araz Yusubov, Dean of the School of Information Technologies and Engineering at ADA University and a member of the Executive Board of Azerbaijan ACM Chapter.
The two-day conference provided rich networking to reconvene and mingling with previous participants of “womENcourage” and “Grace Hopper” IT conferences and also created academic platform for discussion about the removal of taboos behind the skeptic ideas on the role of women in the sphere and importance of supporting females in IT industry.
The extended program of the conference featured presentations of selected research topics conducted by students. The scientific agenda of the conference also included a range of seminars on “Code Hour” projects and “Unity” ultimate game development platform. No doubt that this year’s conference will generate resilient impressions for the IT talents to pursue their innovative dreams and foster own motivation.