Jung Jin Lee, Jae Kyoung Kim. “A Study of Outlier Detection Using the Mixture of Extreme Distributions Based on Deep Sea Fishery Data”, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 28(5), 1-12, 2015.
Jung Jin Lee, Tae Rim Lee, GunSeog Kang, Sungsoo Kim, Heon Jin Park, Yoon Dong Lee, Songyong Shim, “ A Statistics Education Package Tong-Gramy for 5-8 Graders”, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 27(3), 421-429, 2014.
Jung Jin Lee, Geun Seog Kang and Kyung Soo Hahn. “ Computer Aided Teaching for Statistics in Internet Age”, Computational Statistics, V17, 3, 355-365, 2002.
Geun Seog Kang and Jung Jin Lee. “A User Friendly Software for the Design and Analysis of Experiments”, Computational Statistics, V17, 3, 343-353, 2002.