
A Day at Primary

Students start arriving in school as of 8.15 am. Our day starts with a breakfast served between 8.15 am and 8.45 am. Sharing a meal together is a school philosophy. Even if a student eats breakfast at home, they are asked to share a table and some meal with their friends before our day starts.

Classes start at 8.45 am. Morning sessions focus on core subjects. Each class runs for 40 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. Core classes are taught in morning sessions.

Lunch is served between 12.45 and 1.15 pm. Students will also have 2 snacks per day: the first one around 11 am, the second one around 3.00 pm.

Afternoon sessions focus on studio and maker-learning, reading and extended learning, physical education and well-being of students. A variety of studios focus on Art, Design, Music and Drama. Here, the students engage in creative activities, while also learning about art, design, music, theater, cinema and other parts of Azerbaijan’s culture.

While they have afternoon snack, students spend time playing outside. Playtime is followed by Library and Extended Learning hour, where students read books and complete their tasks due for the next day. The Extended Learning will be followed by Physical Education and Wellbeing hours. Once a week, students will also engage in their Social Responsibility project. Students will be dismissed just before 5.00 pm.

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