Five Pillars

Five Pillars of Our Primary Education

Our primary education is built on Five Pillars conveying dreams and aspirations of young students. These youngsters seek a balanced education. They want to know the world, but also find their own place in that world. They come to school because it is a trusting and rewarding place for them. Here, they are not defined by a test score, rather by their potential for growth. Their teachers believe in them and help them develop their own personality. At ADA Primary, they find their desire to learn.

Balanced Education

For us, the knowledge of content is important, but equally important is our wellbeing and personal growth. Our program builds a balance between knowledge of content and growth of a young individual. With several subjects to choose from, our primary program provides a stimulating foundation for active learning, as well as opportunities to develop confidence, self-reliance, creativity, expression, imagination, and most importantly, desire to learn.

Global Learner

We pick up an issue and share our knowledge about that issue. While doing so, we realize people have different understanding about the same issue, that we all have our own thoughts and beliefs. We learn to listen to other people’s thoughts, respect their beliefs. Our perspectives expand from Self to Global. We learn to identify key points from different perspectives and try to connect with those perspectives. We behave at ease in diverse environments, appreciate different cultures and viewpoints.

Citizen of Azerbaijan

We have a sense of belonging because we know our history, culture, and heritage, while also develop a sense of appreciation for it. We may be multilingual, but we take a special pride when we speak our own language. Azerbaijani Studies is a core of all subjects taught at ADA Primary. We learn history, language, literature, fine arts, music, theater, cinema, carpets, architecture, cuisine, and materials culture of Azerbaijan. Our educational journey at ADA Primary cultivates our identity boosted by our sense of citizenship. We can reflect on it intellectually and passionately.

School as a Second Home

We reinvent the content, ways and means of teaching and learning in our school. Our school is our home. We come to this home because it is a safe, trusting, rewarding, and nurturing environment for us. Our school is our Way of Living. We think, behave, interact the same way in our school. It is that space on our campus, which helps foster the culture, spirit, and environment of our school.

Teacher as a Role Model

Our teachers are ethical citizens with dignity and honor. They uphold a set of values, beliefs, and principles in life. Our teachers spark our imagination, help us believe in ourselves, push our boundaries. They believe in us, encourage us to rely on ourselves and become confident. They don’t give us just knowledge, they stir up our desire to learn, help us build rigor, explore ourselves and cultivate our own personality. We respect and admire our primary school teachers. They will ever remain a role model for us in life. We will learn and forget things along life, but we will never forget the name of our primary school teacher.