Editor of the book: “Ancient History of Azerbaijan”, Baku, 2016/18 (student’s book for secondary school)
Co-author of the book: “Medieval History of Azerbaijan”, Baku, 2016/18 (student’s book for secondary school)
Co-author of the book: “The history of Azerbaijan Cultural Association “SIMURG” 1990-2015”, Baku, 2015
"Science, education and culture, consequences of state care" Social and political value of cultural diversity. II International cultural scientific-practical conference. Baku - "Science"; 2010, in Azeri.
"A Cultural glance on the formation and current status of the higher educational system of Azerbaijan." The world of education-education in the world”, scientific-methodical journal, Moscow, 2010, № 3 (39) in Russian.
Compiled workbook and one of the authors of the textbook "Bakuvedenie" for 4th grade students (Baku-Oxford School). Book describes the history, architecture and cultural life of Baku from the ancient times to the present day. Baku; 2005 (in English)
One of the authors of "debate guideline" for teachers and high school students. Author of the 10th chapter. "Cross-cutting questions." Baku; 2002 (in Azeri and Russian languages).
Report on "The education system and its importance in the cultural life of Azerbaijan." Columbus, OHIO, United States, 2002 ("Civic Education" conference) in English.