School of Public and International Affairs
Damjan Krnjević Mišković

Damjan Krnjević Mišković

Professor of Practice; Director for Policy Research, Analysis and Publications (IDD)

  • Email:

  • Contemporary Geopolitics
  • Thucydides and Geopolitics
  • Harvard Kennedy School, Senior Executive Program in National and International Security, Awarded a fellowship by the Kokkalis Program on Southeastern and East-Central Europe at the Harvard Kennedy School.
  • China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP), Executive Leadership Development Program for Senior Foreign Officials.
  • Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance, Euro-Atlantic Leadership Programme. Awarded fellowship by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung.
  • Middlebury College, B.A. (cum laude) in Political Science (Political Philosophy and International Relations). Awarded the Julian E. and Melba Jarrett Prize for Excellence in the Study of Political Philosophy, Law and American Government.

Biographical Note:

Damjan Krnjević Mišković has served as a senior political strategist, diplomatic adviser, and crisis counselor at both international and national levels. He came to ADA University from Belgrade, Serbia, serving as Executive Director of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) and Editor of its journal Horizons. Former appointments include: Senior Special Advisor to the President of the UN General Assembly; Senior Adviser and Chief Speechwriter to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia; Director of Policy Planning and Analysis in the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Serbia; Special Adviser to the President of the Republic of Serbia; Fellow in European Studies at the Nixon Center (now Center for the National Interest); and Managing Editor of The National Interest.

Joined ADA March, 2020

Selected publications:

- "The Two Armenias Debate and the Quest for Peace with Azerbaijan,” The National Interest, 11 May 2024.

The Azerbaijanis, Not the Azeris, Are Hosting COP29,” (co-author: Brenda Shaffer) RealClearEnergy, 1 May 2024.

- "Superseding Middle Power Theory with the Keystone Concept: The Persuasive Case of Azerbaijan and the Silk Road Region," Caucasus Strategic Perspectives, Special Issue No. 2 (February 2024).

Harsh Realities and Effectual Truths: Karabakh and the Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Process,” in Frederic Labarre and George Niculescu (eds.), Discussing a South Caucasus Short of Russian Dominance: PfP Consortium Study Group on Regional Stability in the South Caucasus (Vienna: Republic of Austria Federal Ministry of Defence, 2023).

- “Armenia and Azerbaijan are Finally Talking Directly: Is Peace Next?,” The National Interest, 15 December 2023.
- Danube Institute Remarks, “The Geopolitics of Energy in the Silk Road Region and its Implications for Europe,” Budapest, 23 September 2023.

- "On Some Conceptual Advantages of the Term ‘Silk Road Region’: Heralding Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Emancipation,Baku Dialogues, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Summer 2023).

- “The Rise of the Silk Road Region,” Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs, vol. 67, no. 3 (Summer 2023). 

- “An Armenia-Azerbaijan Diplomatic Breakthrough?,” The National Interest, 17 May 2023.

Ludovika Scholar Public Lecture, “From Grand Chessboard to Card Table: The Great Powers, Keystone States, and the Emerging Order in the Silk Road Region,” University of Public Service-Ludovika, Budapest, 29 March 2023.

Ludovika Scholar Workshop, “The Geopolitics of Energy in the Silk Road Region and its Implications for Hungary and Europe,” University of Public Service-Ludovika, Budapest, 28 March 2023.

- “Will Armenia Accept the Peace Dividend on Offer? Never Closer…But Close Enough?,” Baku Dialogues, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Fall 2022).

- “Prospects for Peace After Geneva: Moving Closer to Fruition,” Analytic Policy Brief for the Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) at ADA University, 4 October 2022.

- “Henry Kissinger and Ending the Conflict Over Ukraine,” The National Interest, 5 June 2022.

- “Does Western Solidarity with Ukraine Amount to Geo-Economic Malpractice? Some Unforeseen Consequences of the Sanctions Against Russia,” IDD Analytic Policy Brief, 4 April 2022.

- “Bringing Russia Back in From the Cold: The Strategic Consequences of Not Ending Quickly the Conflict Over Ukraine” (Co-author Nikolas Gvosdev), Baku Dialogues, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Spring 2022).

Atticism and the Summit for Democracy,” Baku Dialogues, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Winter 2021-2022)

Statecraft, European Belonging, and the Second Karabakh War,” in Fariz Ismailzade and Damjan Krnjević Mišković (eds.) Liberated Karabakh: Policy Perspectives by the ADA University Community (ADA University Press, 2021)

Geopolitics and the Second Karabakh War,” Caucasus Strategic Perspectives, Vol.1, No. 2 (Winter 2020).

- “Serbia’s position in a rudderless world” (interview by Tedo Japaridze), Brussels Morning, 19 January 2021.

- “Back with A Vengeance: The Return of Rough and Tumble Geopolitics”, Orbis, Volume 65, Issue 1, 2021.

Armenia Needs to Sue for Peace Now: The Alternative is Even Worse,” The National Interest, 5 October 2020.

- “Great Power Populism” (co-author Nikolas Gvosdev), The National Interest 167 (May/June 2020).

- “The United Nations in the Age of Sustainable Development” (see also here) (co-author Jeffrey Sachs, Vuk Jeremić, et al.), Office of the President of the UN General Assembly, 9 September 2013 and The Economic and Social Review, 45:2 (Summer 2014).

- “The Politics of the Afterlife in Plato’s Gorgias,” in Nalin Ranasinghe (ed.) Logos and Eros: Essays in Honor of Stanley Rosen (St. Augustine Press, 2006).

- “Kurds should not let language deepen divisions” (co-author Nikolas Gvosdev), Financial Times, 16 November 2004.

- “The Great Liberator” (eulogy for Ronald Reagan), National Review Online, 4 June 2004.

- “Kristallnacht in Kosovo,” National Review Online, 19 March 2004.

- “Review of Christopher Kelly, Rousseau as Author,” Review of Metaphysics 57:4 (March 2004).

- “Obituary: Alija Izetbegovic, 1925-2003,” The National Interest Online, 22 October 2003.

- “Review of Stanley Rosen, The Elusiveness of the Ordinary” (co-author Khalil Habib), Review of Metaphysics 56:4 (June 2003).

- “Le Kosovo et les Lumières: Périls de la construction d’une nation,” Commentaire, no. 102 (Summer 2003).

- “Liberalism at its Best” (on Raymond Aron), Weekly Standard, vol. 8, no. 13 (9 December 2002).

- “Pierre Manent and the New First Philosophy of Politics,” Perspectives on Political Science 31:3 (Summer 2002).

- “The Conflict in Kosovo,” Society 39:6 (September/October 2002).

- “Révolution prudente en Serbie,” Commentaire, no. 97 (Spring 2002).

- “Reconciliation in Bosnia and the Phenomenology of A Little People: The Serbs, Europe and the Liberation of Our Future Liberty,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 39: 1-2 (January 2002).

- “Serbia’s Prudent Revolution,” Journal of Democracy 12:3 (July 2001).

- “L’avenir du petit people serbe,” Commentaire, no. 89 (April 2000).