School of Public and International Affairs
Daniel Pommier Vincelli

Daniel Pommier Vincelli

Assistant Professor

International Relations

  • Email:
  • Office: B214

Courses History of the Modern World
Education • Post Doctoral Fellowship Nato – Italian National Council of Research
• PhD, Sapienza University of Roma
• Degree in History, Sapienza University of Rome
Joined ADA February, 2024
Publications - (2023) The United States as an Artic Nation (XIX-XX centuries) . In: Dario Biocca, Nicola Cristadoro, Olga Dubrovina, Lorenzo Medici, Nicola Neri, Daniel Pommier Vincelli, Francesco Randazzo, Valentina Sommella. (eds.): Francesco Randazzo , Artic and Space between history and innovation. I QUADERNI DEL CIRSEU, p. 73-88, gaeta:Passerino editore, ISBN: 9791222426426

- (2020). The Wilsonian Moment of the Azerbaijani Delegation in Paris (1919-20). In: (eds): Carlo Frappi, Paolo Sorbello , Eurasiatica Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. EURASIATICA, vol. 15, p. 121-139, VENEZIA:Ca' Foscari, ISBN: 978-88-6969-454-7, ISSN: 2610-8879

- (2019). Internally Displaced People between legal protection and social change. The Azerbaijan case. RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE, P. 1-31, ISSN: 1972-4942,

- (2019). International History of Azerbaijan. Meeting the West (1918-1920). p. 1- 120, Roma:Carocci, ISBN: 978-88-430-9284-0

- (2018). Reforma gosudarstvennoy administrativnoy sistemy i politicheskyi stroi Italiyi ( 2014-2016). VESTNIK EVROPY, p. 55-65, ISSN: 1609-5359 [in russian]